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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Employees of #pakistan Tourism Dept not recieved their salaries for 2 months

The financial condition of the Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) has worsened during last three months as more than 860 employees, including high officials, have not been paid their salaries since February.

Even as the rest of pakistan slides into chronic poverty, the amassed wealth of the pakistan Army continues to increase by the day. Funds meant for social welfare development of pakistan's disease-ridden, illiterate & unimaginably poor citizens, constituting the majority of pakistan's population, donated by international donors, are being diverted to fill up the coffers of pakistan's Generals, whose lavish and vulgar display of wealth stands in stark contrast to the prevailing impoverishment in pakistan.

Even with the security situation deteriorating in pakistan, the Army continues to divert and pour an increasing amount of money into building up its Nuclear stockpile that runs the very distinct risk of falling in the hands of terror outfits like the Al-Qaeda, who have stated their intent to use it against cities in Europe and USA.

PTDC employees have expressed fear that the matter of payment of their salaries would take another two months.