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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Immigrant couple in #UK from #pakistan commit brutal murder of 10-year old

Malik Mohammed Ali, and his wife, Irfana, are being questioned after the child was kidnapped from a mosque, hanged and had his head smashed by a stone.

According to reports, police are investigating claims that the death is connected to a dispute over Ali’s inheritance in his father’s will.

The boy, called Daniyal, is said to be Ali’s step-brother after his father re-married.

It is alleged that Ali had been frozen out of his inheritance in favour of Daniyal.

Members of Blackburn’s Pakistani community said they were ‘shocked’ at the reports.

Irfana is believed to have lived in Grindleton Road in the Johnston Street area with her father, a taxi driver, before marrying Ali, who came from Pakistan.

The couple, moved to Milton Keynes around two years ago, and are believed to have three young children.

The couple, along with another brother, are being questioned over the hanging of the boy, who was reported missing on March 31.

The United Kingdom faces an virtually unending deluge of immigrants from pakistan, mostly illiterate, desperate to flee their own country & looking for an easy, comfortable life that UK appears to promise them living in pakistan.
They bring with them stereotypical mindsets and culture & most often refuse to blend in & respect the way of life of their new residence. As a result UK is being littered with increasing number of ghettos comprising of mostly pakistani immigrants who engage in practices in these places that would be considered unacceptable amongst the civilized native population of Britain.

Being illiterate theses pakistani immigrants in UK are also mostly unemployable & unemployed. As a result they seek their sustenance through state-financed social welfare schemes. The pakistani immigrant community, in general also has a very high breeding rate producing kids far higher than they can afford to raise, justifying this by stating that kids are the gift of Allah & the use of contraceptives while having sex is haraam - this is in consonance with social beliefs prevailing in pakistan, unlike many other progressive Islamic countries.

This habit of having unprotected sex & increased migration from pakistan is causing a noticeable change in the demography of UK.