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Friday, April 15, 2011

Human Rights Commission Critical of #pakistan

Pakistani Human Rights group has issued its annual report, which criticizes the government for its human rights record. While other groups came under scrutiny, it was the authorities and official organizations in Pakistan that bore most of the criticism.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, said the government in Islamabad is failing to protect its citizens from abuses, most notably persecution of minorities in the mostly Muslim nation.

The commission also said killings, kidnappings and other violence carried out by terrorists and criminals is further eroding the human rights situation.

But commission Chairman Mehdi Hassan says the government of Pakistan bears the greatest responsibility for human rights abuses in the past year.

"The problem is that most of the violations of human rights are from government functionaries or government agencies.

The commission also attacks against minorities, notably religious minorities, appear to be on the rise. In the past year there have been several attacks against Christian, Sikh and Hindu Pakistanis as well as minority groups such as Ahmadis and Balochis.

In the current political climate those elected officials are more interested in making political gains in the short term, instead of solving long-term issues facing the country.